速報APP / 生活品味 / Live Call Recorder

Live Call Recorder





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Live Call Recorder(圖1)-速報App

Record Calls like you did never before!! Live Call Recorder is finest tool to have in play store that allows you to records call with multiple options.

Live Call Recorder(圖2)-速報App

► Features of Live Call Recorder:

Live Call Recorder(圖3)-速報App

You can set which calls are recorded and which are Blacklisted.

Live Call Recorder(圖4)-速報App

Listen to the recording and call back them.

Live Call Recorder(圖5)-速報App

Date wise Call recorded list for easy Search.

Live Call Recorder(圖6)-速報App

Show record calls in notification bar.

Live Call Recorder(圖7)-速報App

Choose File type to record like AMR,3GP,WAV.

Live Call Recorder(圖8)-速報App

Calls will stored in Inbox. You can increase or decrease the size of inbox.

Live Call Recorder(圖9)-速報App

►Note: We suggest to change Audio Source and File type from default only if voice call quality is not superior. Call recorder may not work if more than one recording app installed in similar device.

Disclaimer: Make sure call recording is legal in your country before install. This app is totally free and contain Ads.